Auguat 8, 1952 Dr. 2. B. BE. mrray Departmant of Bacteriology University of Sestern Ontario London, Ontario Dear Dr. Murray: Ve saw Bertani about tio weeks ago, when we heard his account of the possibsy neterozygous Shigella. Tt seems a reasonable possibility that it is diploid, although it may poasibly be diplogenic only for the proviral "locus” itaslf. “a have now reasonably wall substantiated cases of both occurrences in &. coll. We are just now going over our slide material; I don't know whether or aot T8211 be able to pick out a suitable set before I leuve for a vacation a few duys henve, I do have soms photographs which are quite typical, and enclose them for your bensfit. If these will not suffice, let ae know about 5 weeks from now, and I will try to do better. I hope such a delay will nct embarrass you unduly. Offhand, I should aay that if you can't easily tell the cultures apart that this approach ought to be held in abeyance for more critical genetic evicance. There ars a wumber of possibilities for verifying the diploid hypothesis, based on the usa of recexsive sutations. Froa your cytological observations, would you conclude that it is likely that ladividual infested ceils beccne normal lysogsate without inter- Galated call divisions? Scms cf our observations auggcst Uhat infected ceils usually give contaminated clones, out of uwiich lysogenics arise only iater. Such a pleture would of course suggest that the efficiency with which sensitive celia can become converted to lysogenic is less than the prima facie evidence would angseate. Yours sincerely, Joshua Hederberg