June, 9 Dear Dr Lederberg, Thank you very much for the quick reply and the criticism with which I agree. I am sorry to say that I did not make any further progress since then, as I had to prepare an exhibit for the Annual Meeting of the American TB Association. Only my exhibit stuff went to Chicago, I did not get the U.S. visa. You may have been surprised that after some successful transduction experiments I still seemed to stick to the idea of recombination in mycobacteria. However, at that time, despite similarities there were also differences observable between the strains obtained by transduction and that special strain resembling "atypical" acid part[?] mycobacteria. While the transduced strains showed only Sr and this alone in a lower frequency, the D.E.I[?] strain had mixed hereditary characters suggesting the possibility of conjugation. At present, it seems more probable that Sr is transduced both if intact cells or a cell-free filtrate carries the genetic information. So, I should forget about conjugation, for a while at least and make it really sure that what I deal with is transduction. I'm afraid that we will face a big problem to get a micromanipulator in order to make single cell cultures [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I still hope to find somebody who works with it in one of the University Departments. I am very much interested on what you work now? How do you like your new place? Are you completely settled there? And is it like to what you expected? I wish much luck there in your new department and thank you once again Sincerely yours Stephen Juhasz