February 18, 1956 Professor J. 4. Jenkins Department of Genetics University of California Berkeley 4, California Dear Jim: I will answer that part of your letter of the 10th which refers to Dr. Gyorffy. I did met Gyorffy in London last March. He has worked previously in plant cytogenetics and more recently has gone into the genetics of microorganisms. What he had to say at the meeting was not especially exciting, although he does seem to have a very sound approach and he may have turned up more interesting material since last year. One of his collaborators is a Dr. Balassa who does have an interesting story on the transformation of Rhizobium. He speaks English very well indeed and if he has some material of current interest would make a very good seminar. On the whole, I think his main interests would be more as a geneticist from behind the iron curtain than for the scientific content of his immediate work. He has made no secret of the fact that he is a dedicated democrat. So is everyone else in Hungary since 1956. However, there is no need to place undue stress on this. I obviously won't have any more to say about the other issues that you raised until I have heard further from you. With all best regards, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/ew ad 2C f Pw ‘op