March 1, 1958 Dr, Sheldon A, Jacobson VA Hospital Yancouver, Washington Dear Jalet I hope you don't mind my calling you that, We all did at St, Slbans vhen 44 oman't Commander Jacobson, It was rood to hear from you, It's a eign of the passing years that I recell with some coneternation how much older you seamed 15 years ago than you ¢o to me now, which ia also a way of excusing a praumrtuous faniliarity. Bit too, the freshmen seem younger and more callow every year. I think you may be interested to hear that I'm back in Medicine, At least I hove a job now as chairman of a recently organized department of renetics tn the medical athool here, This means spending a little time in the rather futile task of teaching medical stddentea , and rather more in the main task of = research and a postgraduate program, In spite of it all, I still manare to *rner ot least half-time working in the lab with my ewm hands, which I have to dn to keep olive in research, My wife Eather and I are continuing our col labomra- +ion on various asvects of the genetice of bacteria. We took four months off inet gwreer and fall en a Fulbright visit to Australia, which we enjoyed very “uch indedd, My own time there waa mainly in Burnet's Institute in Melbourne, vhove J had some restite from bacteria and started seme work on the renetics of nntibedcy formation in lymph-node celle of rats, ‘ie also toured all rotnd the eoast, Crom a visit te the Barrier Reef in Quemneland to a stopover in Perth in “estern Avatralia on the way home, We vere greeted and treated magni- ficemtly, Our trip to and fro ws rather too hurried, but we did erend a weck in Indie (lecturing in Caleutta and Bombay to help pay the fare). If you haven't heen there you don't know the meaning of population density, And another week in Itny (near Portofino) whieh was quite glorious, with some friends, I'm ofynid we're setting too jaded as travellers, however. We'd already been to erie end Britain for a month earlier last year; are planning to go azain to Stoeeccholm this suemer, but are not looking forward to it as much more thar another business trip. “elye never been in the state of Waehineton (almost the only part of the country toat has eldded us so far) & don't be too surprised if you do see us sonetins. Iff If you're ever in this neighborhood don't fail to reciprocate. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberr