June 10, 1964 Dear Josh, One of my French research students, Janine Michel, is taking advantage of the transformation meeting in Colorado to get out to the West Coast. I know she would be interested in what Bodmer and Gan are doing, and I have suggested that she contact your office when she reaches Colorado. Perhaps you could arrange for her to meet them? She would be arriving on June 28 and leaving on the 29th. (I have asked Dale Kaiser if he could arrange some very simple room accommodations for her, for the one night.) If this is an awkward date for your group, would you let me know, and I shall hand her off. She has had about two years of research experience in my lab -- 10 months in France, and a bit less than a year here. She completed a study of how [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] to detect weak linkage in transformation, when in France. Her paper is in the backlog of Exp. Cell Research, since last December, and we hope it will be out before too long. Janine is charming, and though very young scientifically, is very bright and gifted. Otherwise I wouldn't bother you! Regards to you and Esther. Sincerely, Harriett.