MINISTERE DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE me. we CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA { RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE LABORATOIRE DE GENETIQUE “BHYSIOLOGIQUE’ ok — GIF-SUR-YVETTE (SEINE-&-OISE) TEL. : 928-5560 | | « September 22,1961 3 u Dear gosh , Both Boris. and I were pleased to have your kinu Letter. We, too,&re. Looking” toPwara LO many Cuntacus with our American “uplenus. “You areyoi course, Gui te” PLGNL thaw bois iS a HL mOve sOr us,made iff the face Oi+ many - coniiteting reelings. We are;nowever,conilaent that we shatt bé nappy: in- eur’ new ‘setting, for ¥v has hany- Very attracvive features,one oi uue “Must imporuant oéing” thay EU is at new and ambi Ubous unue l= baking In DioLogy. Fora umber of years at least,we shall also be very much’ tied to France,unu this makes our decision less irrevocaocle,. IT hud heard that you Bre buddy with subtilis,ana am,ol cource, inverested to have direct news o1 some of the things going on in your laboratory. In 1959,when IT was at Cal Tecn,ton Rolte and I succeeded in fractionating pneumococcal DNA by density @a.aient centritusation. We have a paper coming ouu on our work this month in the P.N.A.S.. We could not carry it as far as we hud hoped,but nonetneless,accomplisned 4a Tair bit,esvecial with respect to the hundling of the data. I would see tnat yo get a copy of tne manuscript but ior the fact that you will have the issue in hana before [IT could have a copy made. I shall look forward to seeing you results with subu'lis marke.s. I have been prepurkng for about 4 year a Meselson-Weigle type ol experiment to trace the fave of tie atoms o1 acquired LNA. I started by doing the controls ana have run onto a very oxo eens result,showing that normal DNA ( not isotopicully heavy) .u derroes regulur ana recognizeable density changses,as well as molck lar weteht chanses,during cell division. TI hope to have this” weil worked out by the time I move,and be also well into the experi- ments with the heavy isotopes. I have a good groupg this year, and they are helping very much in compensatins for the time I shall lose in preparing our move, I have a manuscript in sress in the Journal de Chimie Physique on this and other matters, which should appear in VUctober or ovemoer. Ly a Boris will be doing tissue cuiture exclusively,at lesst at tirst. Ange Will be trying te switeh over to an English i Sronuncilation of her ABC. RAABRTPDET AR 60 cit. SULETE La Tle ttle Awa otel Ae) at BUC as a os Nt on . i ed ey So we'll asl be busy,come the move,vut dlawby bo, see wyouseven on shdOst notice. ° Dey ibti ae DTS Saw. Vb bs Kll join in sending our dest to you and Esthemeecec sar Yu lLYrs & Harriett P.S. T nuve usvuer workea on H 202 @listus ou DNA. Zaiivunof triea Lo repéa, MuCarty!'s eaperifie nes anu failed’ to oovin geVgesol wien SH groups. Labasjou Mas-uune some’ on 4H Ve Lfaclivation OF transforming una. Iv inactivates,vu is NOL as ellective ay ouner peroxiués. IT dd wou belbtve crav _ he nus, Lried reversal. I ado, not belteve that Mcbarty made 28. trivial. mistake, . Pt; wousa.. be anteres ving vo KNOW more ‘about it... Pernaps. HOvCukiss has. LooKea. inwo. (lbs . °