April 10, 58 Dear Josh, I am just about to leave NY for Paris but wish to drop a few lines to you before one of the [ . . . ] of the Gatlinberg Symposium fades out. I felt all along somewhat inconfortable [sic] because, in a way, I "capitalized" on Nanney's ideas which have not as yet been properly written up. As you may remember, in my talk I emphasized, at least on two occasions, that the ideas I presented have originated with Nanney or, otherwise, in the discussions at the Gat[?] Symposium[?]. For some reason, however, this did not impress the participants and everybody was talking of "Ephrussi's ideas." For your magnificent Summary of the conference (after which I left), you also used such terms as "pre-Ephrussi 1958)" or "post-Ephrussi 58." And your talk is, of course, of particular importance if only because it is going to be red [sic] much more than the discussions. That's why during the break after your Summary I left a message with Roman which I asked him to read during the discussion following your Summary in which I could not take part. My message was precisely to the effect that "I was prepared to take the blame for the new terms and definitions (genetic-prigenetic[?]), but [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] not the [ . . . ]." I am sure however that people will [ . . . ] this in readily and I wonder whether you could straighten this out somehow when you correct the galleys of your recorded Summary. Whatever you can do in this respect will be appreciated. It was a great pleasure to see you again and to talk with you and I do hope that we will have soon another opportunity. With regards and affection to both of you As ever Boris.