National Institute of Genetics Misima, Sizuoka-keh Japan October 22, 1962 Dr. J. Lederberg OCT 29 1962 Department of Genetics Stanford Medical Center Stanford University Palo Alto, U. Se Ae Dear Josh, _ Since I came back to Japan, I have had to bound up in the arrangement of the Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan. The day before yesterday the meeting = had finished and now I can come back again to my routine. life in my laboratory after two months lapse. - _ Today I will start the test of lysozyme and sodiun lauryl sulfate sensitivity of two phase cultures. Is there any progress in the repeating experiment oh _phase-l and phase-2 DNA density gradient? I understand — you are going to test the reproducibility of the phase-] and phase-2 difference with the same DNA sample as I .. used; and if the difference is really between two samples, to investigate whether the difference is in basé compositian | or not. oS OT * I recalled I have foregotten one business before Tleft Stanford: I received 5,000 yen from you just before you ~~ left from Haneda, expecting to return by U. S. dollar when I visited Stanford. Carelessly I brought back them and” exchanged all U. S. dollar I.brought back Japan to. Japanese yen. It is not impossible but cumbersome to reexchange and send back to you. So, If you do not mind, I would like to keep them as your Japanese fund ( I guess it igs convenient for you in some occasions). ‘Please: let me know any time — in cases you want to get some Japanese goods by the fund, Best wishes to Esther and the people in your lab. Sincerely yours Tetsuo Iino