“yednsba. euiech May 17, 1961 Dear Tetsuc-~ By the time you receive this, your mss, will have been retyped and sent to Genetics, I will of course send you copies by separate airuail., _I_am also sending a ms. that I am finishing now on CDC-137, the H, Put. 8. cage, but I will not delay sending your papers in for this. A number of minor corrections had to be made, as you may notice. None of them is very important, except the sm title of the H,+ H)° paper, which I think is misleading, since you do not really have a duplicated locus, according to its present belavior, I am suggesting "Anomolous homology of flagellar phasg#s in Salmonella"; you may change this in proof or by letter to De. Oliver if this (or any other item) 4s not to your lalaicing. I also feel that it 4s inappropriate to refer to work in press unless, at least, the journal can be indicated (i.e. that the napet has been accepted. } I have therefore indicated your Ph.D. thesis in place of 1961 a/b ; again you can change this. To be sure you can review the final form, I have asked Genetics to deal directly with you on proofs, ete, As to reprints, you can make your own arrangements, of course, If you are agreeable, however, I would suggest printing the three papers together in a single cover, which would be quite convenient and not unduly expensive. If this 1s agreeable to you, please let me know, and how many we should order on your account. (Up to 200, say, we will take care of the payment and shipment to you.) : One thing that now remains is your work on Ah, and Ah, -- are you wriitng this up too? I realize now that one obstalke to getting down to work was setting too optimistic a task, and being too perfectionistic about it, Since there are so many dmakks details that are hard to cover. It really is mich easier to break up the work in short papers, However, now that I have been able to concentrate on the subject, I would like to bring up the possibilaty of writing a more complete account of the whole subject of flagellab immunogenetics of Salmonella, I might be able to contribute something to the general texture ofait, and would be happy to join you in that fashion, with a promise to be able to be moh prompter than I have been in dealing with 4t. But if you are too preoccupied with other writing, or this conflicts with other plans, I would not press a proposal of which the main burden would fall on you. It would be nice to reestablish a more constructive relationship with you than I have been able to do in the past three years. If I have mk been misguided in respect to any of your wishes 4n handling the mss. (axcept for the delays, which I am very mm conscious of) please let me know. Iluria tells me of some possibility of your coming to the US this fall, I hope you will be sure to let us know if this materializes, and by all means to give us a chance to see you in California. If it could help with your travel costs, we should at least offer you an honorarium help with Sof only a nominal one) of $100 to give a seminar here. I expect (now) to be home here in Septegber except possibly between Sept. 10.16, with all best wishes, Joshua Lederberg