ea stm —— ape National Institute of Genetics Misima, Sizuoka~Ken “5 . February 8, 1961 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics S¢hool of Medicine Stanfordulniversity. Palo Alto, California UW 8. A. I started writing some papers on my past studies, which include the Studies at Wisconsin ag well as at Lister and our Institute. Would another "A phase-] duplicate type in salmonella" T want’ to ‘publish them as' short! papers in Genetics if fhey are accepted. Would you please read them through, and if you think revision is not necessary for the publication, forward them to the editor of Genetics; in case that there are articles I ‘should better to revise, please point I am on the way of manuscript writing about 4h,” The title will be " Genetic analysis of 0-H variation in salmonell. . Owing to the NIE grant, the management of our laboratory is g0ing on very smoothly. K am working wath group of Fla mutants which synthesize analogous protein of flagellin. The mapping of Hs and Flas using Hfr I got from Esther and Hirota age also in pregress. The day after tomorrow we have assymposium on microbial genetics in Tokyo. I will be a chairman of the afternoon Session. Kurahashi will Sive a review on "galactose metabolism in E. coli." Hirota will come to see me to Misima after the symposium. Please best wishes to Esther, Bruce and Am. Sincerely yours Veto e—