National Institute of Genetics Misima, Sizuoka-ken, Japan September 30, 1959 br. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, Cal. U. S. A. Dear Josh, Would you tell me your plan on the manuscrbpt entitled "Monophasic variants in Salmonella", which you have agreed to write followed my thesis and the abstract. If your business still have to keep you off from the manuscript writing, I will undertake it and willjask your revision: originally it is my duty as 1 am to be the senior author of the paper. If you hesitate writing because you think my data are not complete enough to publish, please let me.know frankly your opinion about it. dim: One reason I write you about the manuscript is that Dr. Beale asked me to tell him the progress of my researches on the genetics of flagedlar antigen after 1956's paper for his review article on "Ayjtigeneic Variation in Unicellular Organisms" for xm the Annual Review of Microbiology. Another reason is that I have a plan to start writing a paper on the morphological mutants of flagella, in which I have to refer the study on the monophasic strains. I obtained a P22 sensitive clone from the i:b strain, SW1162 (the origin of which, as you may remember, is, SW&03 brenx —x SW1061 -(i):1.2 -» -(i):b,SW1161. ‘M2 i:1.2 —x SW1161 -» i:b,SW1162 , see my Research Report (July 6, 1956)), The transduction i:b —-x atenx produced i*enx and a:b but not xx% a:1.2. enx-antigen type has not eer detected from the a:b clones so far. Anti-~b..e03 serum and =bey116] serum were prepared. The cross apgkateuxtsms absorptions do not remain any agglutinable fraction. I am inclined to assume that the strain Sw1162 has‘ H,i H>>* rather than it is heterogenote or Hj~-duplicant. The Ho might have been produced by a kind of unequall recombination: H, and Hp might be homologous in origin and have an affinity to pair in rare frequency in case the transductional fragment is small enough. Last semester, I gave two credits of lectures on "Bacterial Genetics" at the Graduate School, Tokyo Metropolitan Uniyersity. In the comming congress of the “enetics Society in Japany will be held at the beginning of November, I will be a chairman of the "Microbial genetics" sectitn. Hirota wrote me in his letter that Esther asked him on my present marital status. 1 am still singe. Please tell Esther that I am sure I will_write her any progress in the statas as well as in the BE. coli x galmonella study. Best regards to Esther, Ann, and Hirota san. Sincerely yours Zia f- 5 Y haewe ano Kew Fo —y niwv tout 7h> Brant fre nm N/a grt. t 9 e