National Institute of Genetics Yata 1111, Misima, Sizuoka-ken Japan Jan. 12, 195) Dr. Joshva Lederberg Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin U. S. A. : - Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am very grateful to you for your kind information and advise on the comretition for a research assistantship. I will send you a formal aprlication with letters of reference as soon as possible when I shall receive it. I shall be very glad if they were considered for the competition. My chief interest is in the biochemical] mechanism cf mtation, and I am using the biochemical mitants of Ustilago for neither biochemical analysis of some metabolic processes nor genetical ana- lysis of Ustilago bvt studying the nature of the mutational processes. The interesting information in this field may be obtained from the researches on the relations between induced mtation and chemical mutagen. I have studied mainly alomg this direction since; but the actions of the mutagens are always none-specific and indirect, and such research seems always a gap between chemical action and genetic change in spite of many skilful work by Dr. Demerec and others. When I have read your parers on transduction I have thought thet this phenomenon may be vseful for supplying the gap mentioned above, because it has been proved on the more common heritable characters than transformation and, as thovgh it is regarded as a sort of recombination rather than directed induced mutation, it points out that there are more srecific and direct relations between trans- missible agent and genetic change than the case of chemical mutagen and induced mutation. I have interested on the phenomenon since, and I think that I shal? be very happy if I can study in your labo- ratories svch problems as the genetical signification of transerction, for example the mechanism of the action of transmissible agent or the comparison among recombination unit, transduction unit and mutation unit. I also think that the learning of the special teécl:- nigqves in bacterial] genetics which developed in your laboratory, e.g. recombination analysis, screening of mutant, single cell isolation and others, are very useful for my research in future, because they are indispensable for the detailed research on bacterial mutation and may be applied to the genetical study of the single-cell organisms other than bacteria. T am going to aprly for the Fulbright travelling grant in the spring competition, and I shall be very glad if you wovld kindly tell me the time when the result of the competition for the research assistantship is informed. , Thanking you heartily, Yours sincerely