(¥ gD 20. In this space make a statement of about 300 words concerning your plans for graduate study and a professional career. Be as specific as you can regarding your vocational interest and the course of training you expect to follow in achieving your goal. If you are interested in other fields closely related to that of your first choice, please indicate them. Since 1950, I have been studying the process of biochemical muta- tion in Ustilago honing to elucidate the genetic mechanism of micro- bial variation in relation to the bicchemical chanse of heritable unit. I have been interested in the outcome of the genetic studies on bacterie carried out in your Department, because it involves such interesting phenomenon as transduction, which seems to indicate a specific and direct relation between transmissible agent and genetic change. If I am admitted to the graduate school of “your university, I would like to study first the fundamental techniques on bacterial genetics, such as mitant screening, recombination analysis and single- cell handling, which are essential for further special research works in the same field. Then I would proceed to the relation between the transducing unit to the other heritable unit (such as unit of sexual recombination, mutation, and transforming agent), from the genetic and biochemical view-voints. Thus I intend tc solve the following questions: 1. Is the transducing agent nothing but a liberated: batterial« gene itself?; or is it a part of the gene?; or does it modify in the function of the gene?: or does it indvce any directed mutation acting upon the gene? 2. Whegther the transducing agent and the transforming agent give the same genetic effect but they show any distinction in the mode of transmission, or they differ in bcth the genetic effect and the mode of the transmission. change 3. Whegther it is rossible to‘one type of transducing agent to the other in vitro, by treating the suspension of liberated agents by some artificial means, or not. I am hoping to continue and develop these researches during and after my graduate school life, and to arrive st a more inclusive view on the genetic: mechanism of microbial variations in relation to their biochemical nature.