x Joshua Lederberg, schoos of Medicine Vepartment ot Genetics _Stanford University Palo Alto Calitornia, USA. USSR.Moscow, March,I-st,Igol. Dear professor Lederberg! I have received your letter of January 30 th, Iy96I. 1 think that your suggestion on the question of tne COSPAR activity is of certain interst and must be carefully examined that is wny I have sent the letter to the Leaders of the Academy ot sciences of the UsSoR. L intorm you that 1 nave no intentions to partake in the VOsrAd Meeting and Symposium which wild take place in #lLorence in April. The only reason of it is that [ am too busy now and truly to say L can’t attord myself to nave sucn a pleasant trip. I hope that you will attend the International biochemistry ee Congress in Moscow and I shall nave a pleasure to meet you. sincerely yours, N.D.Ierusalimsky Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the UsSR, professor.