CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA MVISION OF BIOLOGY Feb, 23,5 1961 Dear Josh, I have a post-doctoral fellow named Clifford Ronald Scott, M. Do, who has been working in my lab since September. He has recently been drafted by the Air Force and expects to be inducted in June. Cal Tech has done all the usual things to get him a deferrment, but to no avail --it appears that once the armed services put the finger on an MoD. there is little that can be done, since they are drafted to perform the work for which they are trained. The point of this letter is that Scott has been told by somebody that you have something to do with biological research in the Air Force, and I promised to write to you to find out if there is anything we can do to increase his chances of being put into a research laboratory or research hospital in the Air Force. He is a pediatrician and is interested in human genetics. He is on a National Foundation fellowship. He came here, following residency in Minneapolis, to get more training in statistics, biochemistry, and biochemical genetics. He is doing a good job in all his course work. He has only just started on a research problem--I have the impression that he is competent. He knows a lot of human medical genetics and presents it very well in seminars. I think it would be a good thing if he were able to keep in touch with research while doing his stint in the service. Any ideas you may have will be appreciated. With best regards, Norm Horowitz Eo “2 f: Una 1) 7