6 November 1944, My dear Dr. Moores Here's some clanical data on Ross. The man came to the lab claiming he felt that a relapse was coming on. He was a Pharmacists' Mate on the staff, so he did not turn in. He acquired “alaria in the Si, Pacifio about a year and a half ago, and has presented the classicial picture of B,T. malaria with diminishing relapses, He had had previous quninine atebrine therapy. This attack was his most severe, and the average parasite count was 30 per field which is approximately equivalent to 12000 per cumm? The fézlowing show the times at waich smears were takem? They are stained with Giemsa,the thin smears being fixed with absolute methanol before stng. #1. 23 Sept 1944 1430. Rin g stages #2. 24 Sept 1944 1430 Late trophozoites #5. 1600 gametocytes, early to middle schizonts #4, 1700 gametocytes, schizonts,merocytes, rings #5. 1900 All stagese Chills beginning of paroxysm #6. 2000 All stages, Fever. Patient acutely ill. P.S. He's OK now. Please keep personal data confidential. Sincerely yours, Rhee Josh. The other slides are representative heavy infestations. [8ve forgotten what stages you can expect.