March 25, 1948. Dr. Fdna «. Montgomery, Corn Industries Research Foundation, 825 North University, Peoria 5, Ulinois. Dear Dr. Montgomery, Thank you for your offer of samples of isomaltose. While my previous requests mentioned quantities of the order of 10 ag, your letter left the impression that in consequence of your chemleal work, ach larger quantities might be readily available. Individual strains can be tested on 10 mg each, but a more satisfactory somcarativs series would require 200 mg. Since I do dot know how difficult isomaltose _is to prepare now, I must leave it to your judgment how large a sample it would be worthwhile using up. Rs, Stodola my have mentioned that we are working on changes in carbohydrase specifities brought about by genetic mitations in Escherichia coli. For the moat part we are stpdying lactose- and maltose- splitting enzymes, aod at least for the former have considerable evidence of "indirect" (initial hydrolysis) fermentation. While some mutants aopear to have lost all ealactosidutie activity, others wiil split methyl galactoslde but not lactose. We are therefore looking for other sub- strates which may allow a further olassification of the specificities of the mutant enzymes. While Dr. K. P. Link is cooperating in these studdes in the synthesis of likely substrates, we could not hope to preppre anew every compound that might be useful. Therefore, I am trying to obtain by gift sufficient samples (200 mg if pos- sible) of these analogs to make &@ preliminary determination of their usefulness in the program. I have already corresponded with Pigman and with Richtmyer for the initial sample of methyl b-D-galactoside and neolactose respectively. I suspect that you could as easily suggest as I the kind of compound worth trying. I hawin mind other b-D-gelactosides, particularly epimers of lactose, iuctosides, lactositol, and other alkyl or aryl derivatives, on the one hand, and related glycosides such as s-lL-arebinosides, desoxygaiactosides, b-D-fucosides, ete. I should be grateful to have any of these or like commounds. Galactosan (1,6-anhydro-b-D-pyranose) is ancther galastoside in which we may have a common interest. In view of our departmental chairman, 2...Erink's, early work, we are interested in waxy starch, and I was particularly interested in your receht description of levoglucosan in waxy atemeh hydrolysates. is Peat points out, anhydro sugars my play an important biological role, but so far as I know their biologics] availebllity has never heen tested. I should be glad to test eny of these compands(on various coli mutants) that you might care to send. A recently isolated mutant which uses both softies of maitose, but not glucose, might be particularly cogent. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics.