Wolfram Heumann March 13.1961 Braunschweig Humboldtstr. 1. Professor Dr.Joshua Lederberg stanford Jniversity ,Medical Center Departement of Genetics Palo Alto,California . Dear Joshual Thank you for your kind letter from February 23. I understand very well that you have no.time now for my demand and you are right that it is much more. convenient to make an confirmation ex-~ periment not to far. from here. In the meantime fortunately I get the.promise from Proféssor, Kaplan in Frankfurt to perform a crossing © experiment,.in the next time and I am happy that you are not me- lested. It is only about 300km from Braunschweig to Frankfurt, not to long to drive if ‘Something goes wrong. .. Besides we are invited to Zastern to the Serskovs to look together to Zaster eggs like 1957 in Madison-arboretum and to help +o inaugurate her new build house.This would be a good accasion to ask about a starformer experiment. I hppe in the next year the Technische Hochschule Braunschweig can buy the Ultramicrospectropotometer from ZEISS ,it needs a little more than 100 000 ,--DM= 25 00Vu a Than I would have the occasion to measure some exact absorption spectra from stars and individual cells in stars and to continue the initial promising experiments ‘made last winter in Cbherkochen. In the moment I am engaged in last work for my new lab,I hope I. can move into till astern. The best wishes and regards to you and ‘csther from Barbara,irene,Heiko and me. Sincerely vours SM sam