Wolfram Heumann Febr.2.l964 Braunschweig Humboldtstr.1. Professor Dr. Jd Lederberg Dpt. of Genetics,stanford Jniv. Stanford, California. Dear Joshua! The investigation in starformers is now in 4 pxm point that should be reached in end of 1957. Genetical exchange is regularly observable and easy demonstrable.This is the resuit of your scien- tific instructhon and your kind hospitality in vour lab in. Madison. The fruit need Long time to ripe long enough for many uncertaintys and hesitations. I would be very happy if I could ask you for the opportunity to try the reliability of an experi- ment with starformers. Everybody in your lab can do the work with your governing in a fortnight and I hope it would: not moleste you very much. Please let me now if you agree,than I will send you by air mail the strains and a precise working instruction. T have good contact with Professor Kaplan in Frankfurt and I will ask him for the same favour. , ag I have written to you in December +96v I am in contact with the C 5 I RO in Canberra. Since Bob died they asked me to apply for a position in microbial genetics in the C 5 IRO. You now that Barbara and I are , Spoiled for Zurepe " since the stay in Madison and we have long hesitate with the answer to Can- berra. But the change in position wouid mean an interruptiom of work and this would be very unfortunate in the moment. So we want to remain here. Nevertheless I hope to continue the contact and to deve:ope a cooperation beaucause I am interested in problems coneerning breeding of rhizobia. All best wishes to Esther and you from Barbara and the children! . Sincerely yours Oran