SERGE WAS a ah Braupschweig,Humboldtstre1. 21 December 1960 Dear Esther! Dear Joshua! Barbara and I wish Mierry Christmas and happy New Year to yous It is the first Christmas in your new atrium house and we hope it will have alwys good stars. It is difficult to wish happiness because our feeling is overshadowed from Bobs dead.We was corresponding together about the possibility to breed Rhizobia for high nitrogen fixation and large host range.My last letter has been opened by Mr. Brock from the C.S,I.R.0. in Canberra and he has informed me that Bob died in the 4th of November. A fortnight ago I have visited the optical plant Zeiss in Oberkochen to prove the new Ultramicrospectrophotometer. With this wonderful apparatus it is possible to measure from ultraviolett til infrared with a ray from Os Zit diameter running in meander form or only in diameter.In bacterial stars I get the maximum absorption in 260m »the DNA maximum,and this maximum is situated in the starcenter, the pbint of zygote formation. My main work is now concentrated in increasing the recombination rate during star firmation or to separate the generatium phase from the vegetative one in my bacteria. I have some success and it is quite easy now to demonstrate recombination in B-. Schuster and Schramm have demonstrated the inactivating or mutagenic effect of nitrous acid in TMV and Kaudewitz in E.coli caused by the de- amination of the RNA or DNA ~ bases. I am trying to get mutants weth this method in Be and it seems with good etfectiveness. I hope to get now a broad mutant spectrum and to explane the mode of genetical exchange during starformation, : Dr.Kaudewitz visited me in Cctober.He is now the successor of Dr.Nachtsheim in the Max Tlank Institution in Berlin.Dr.Kaude- witz offered me a zood position in his Institution but here I have now more scientific independence than in Berlin, We plan to visite-the microbial congress in Montreal 1962 G80 meetiyou there ore in Stanford. But the realiza~ = on of th¥e=plaw depends from the monney. All best wishes from Bent Sr Te Hef { YE LN wo vay baw ask. cya Seta \s