April 22, 1959 Dr. Leonard A. Herzenberg National Institute of Health Bethesda 14, Maryland Dear Len: { have just come from an Executive Committee meeting with some Interesting consequences for the Genetics Department and for your program [n particular. As an accomodation to another prospective appointee, but really much more for our own benefit, | have given up the commitment we now have for space in the Pharmacology-Anatomy Building. Instead, we have an assignment for what should be at least equally useful space [n the basement of the Edwards Building. The main advantage of this Is, of course, that we will now be in the same building although separated by three floors. There is a convenient elevator. The area fn question will be next to space assigned to Dr. Kretchmer for the Pediatrics Department. He has Indicated the likellhood of developing a program with some rather elaborate ramifications into blochemistry, genetics and tissue culture so from this aspect too, wou will not be lonely. The main problem this raises is one of timing. {ft is possible (by no means ceraaln!) that we may not easily be able to get the new quarters ready for you before January |. ! am writing now just to explore how this would effect your own plans. {tf [ft would work no great hardship on you to postpone your arrival until that time, | think we could do the Job somewhat more easily and possibly better. However, If this does raise serious difficulties for you we wil! find some way of arranging matters to your conbenience. Don't worry about any possible bearing this has on your research grant; In fact It would be some advantage to have some lead time on it so that funds can be committed for your equipment In time for them to arrive at thé same time you do. Iwill walt to hear your reaction on this timing questicn. On the whole, | think this is a splendid improvement In our own prospects and should certainly make it much easter for us to communicate intimately. As ever, “ Joshua Lederberg