Merton teveaber 21, 1946. Cear ,faan sending the following, as requested: Sieh. Se Yyphimrlua, aonophasio I, .an Leclcusine-valinelese mitant. | tysogente for ; SY-36 3. gallinaran. (. sanguinarium). Can be grown with thiwain or iB thiazole gupplezxent. Lysogenicity is conveniently tested for elther with almple filtrates of Sf=13 grown alone, or better, with SY-36 in broth. For large scule teste for this property, SY-36 can be plated on synthetic agar with B,, and single colonies of SN-13 picked to the pre-soread vletes. Due the matritional deficlency, the Si-]3 does oot grow, bat if it carries phege, ths lysis of thc indiester is apparent. Sevetal hunired colonies of Sie-13 from washed suspensions, and following various traataents, Cog. heavy UV troatrent, cultivation in Phoephine CAN, or in arsenite, have all bean lysogenic. It should be possible to set up tests where eoveral — hundred colonies of S%=-13 oan bea allowedd to form on a plate, and use the ving of lysis around the colony for large scale testing. Sincerely, dJoshuy Lederberg CG: Luria Hershey