GLOBAL IMPACTS OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY ne neem A SYMPOSIUM TO BE HELD IN STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, {ULY 29, - AUG. 2, 196) UN- DER THE AUSPICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OBIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES AND THE ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES. ORGANIZING COMMITTEES: INTERNATIONAL : J BIRKELAND, C-G HEDEN (CHAIRMAN}, A IMSCHENETSKI, A KEYNAN, JC SENEZ, M STARR Dr. Jd. Lederbe rg SCANDINAVIAN: Dept. of Microbial Genetics S$ BROHULT, ¢-G HEDEN (CHAIRMAN), G LAGERMALM, Stanford University G LINDEBERG, J KORSBANG, R NILSSON Stanford, Calif. DR. M TVEIT, SWEDISH SUGAR CORP,, USA ARLOV, SWEDEN SECRETARY GENERAL: YOUR INITIALS YOUR LETTER OUR INITIALS Stockholn, December el, 1962, mr / ut SWEDEN Dear Dr. Lederberg: As you probably already know, the International Microbiology Congress at Montreal gave the Section for Economic and Applied Micro biology the assignment to organize the above conference in Stockholm, Sweden, during the summer of 1963. A preliminary program has been worked out and those of the contributors listed, who were reached at the Montreal Congress have already agreed to participate. The list of speakers should be regarded as confidential for the time being. We are now requesting the honour of your participation and have taken the liberty of suggesting the general topic which we feel should preferably be covered by you. We of course realize that you may want to rephrase the title. o/s The tentative program attached will probably be slightly modi- fied, but the general plan will be followed. The main aim of the conference is to outline the problems and to help in coordinating microbiological research related to the technical advancement of the developing countries. It is therefore felt that a good number of scientists from such areas should be enabled to participate, and most of the funds available for covering travelling and other expenses of participants will therefore be earmarked for delegates and speakers from these areas. It is hoped that other invited Speakers and delegates will find sources to cover the expenses of participation. If, however, this proves to be difficult, we wold like to be informed about the level to which you want to be reimbursed, All the papers presented by invited speakers will be published in book form by Interscience /Wiley. This coordination conference would benefit greatly by your participation, and the Organizing Committees express the hope that you will find the time to assist in this effort, which they believe to be of great value to the advancement of scientifie and technical research in a field of undisputed importance to the future of all mankind. C.-G. Hedén Chairman