Pe ee Pk we tee ae avy averey av (recta INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES C.V. RAMAN AVENUE, P.B. NO. 8005, BANGALORE 560 080, INDIA 14 December 1995 Profagsar Joshua Lederberg President Emeritus The Rockefeller University 1238 York Avenue New York, NY 18821-6399 U.S.A, Fax: @81-212-327 8651 Dear Professor Lederberg, [ came to know only recently that Dr William Hayes died last year. As you know, he was a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Genetics. We are keen on publishing a brief reminiscence by you on his early work on bacterial genetics, especially sexuality. [| would appreciate very much hearing from you whether you may be able to find time to prepare such an articie for the April 19596 issue. Best regards. N chu, CH DS th be athe fe Yours sincerely, CL er Bole Wh ra Editor, bras crane bs slaw «Xfechel Ge te) pe Re ae re eee Sn pee eae owen f aN Ae ae ent ee ee at TELEPHONE: 334 2546; GRAMS: ACADEMY: TELEX: 845-2178 ACAD iN: FAX: 91-80-334 6094