19 York Avemue, East Sheen, LONDON, S.W. 1A. 20 May 61. My dear Josh & Esther, Bob and I arrived home last Wednesday after a 10 hours non~stop flight from L.A. There were only about 20 veople on the plane,so we had full length beds to sleep on! I mist thank you both very much indeed for your most generous hospitality to us,especially the evening at Sabella's which T particularly enjoyed. We are also most indebted to you for making everything so easy for us in the way of booking us in at Rickey's and renting the car for us. Was I relieved when that car was returned without a dint in it! Our journey back to the International Inn from Gunther Stent's house at the top of the hill in Berkeley was accomplished without a hitch, Thanks, too,Esther,for sending off our outsize postcards for the children; they are a bit more glamourous than the standard ones, We relaxed a bit at Caltech and spent the week-end camping in the desert. I had forgotten that the sky could look so wonderful; it was possible to see the orb of Venus,steady and full,with the naked eye. Please tell Bruce and Jane how sorry I was that their family was off colour and that we did'nt manage to get around to their house for a drink on our last evening, I hope to see you both again soon. Yours, fi BE