MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Microbial Genetics Research Unit Hammersmith Hospital, Ducane Road, London W.12. 24th March 1961 Professor J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Cal. : Dear Josh, Thank you very much for your letter. Bob and I are delighted that you will be at Stanford in May, and that we will have the opportunity of seeing you. You think of everything! We should be very grateful if you would book us a couple of rooms at Rickey's Studio Inn in Palo Alto, as you suggest, and also reserve a car for us at the Hertz Auto Rental Service at San Francisco airport. This will leave us very free, and absolve us from being a nuisance to other people. We are booked to arrive at San Francisco from Dallas by flight AA.81 at 21.05 on Sunday, May 7th. We will certainly not expect to be met, but if the plane was due on schedule, and you felt like a Sunday evening drive, we should of course love to see you. I will write to Adelberg and Pardee and make arrangements about visiting them. Gunther Stent is at Cambridge, as you know, and we hope to see him in the very near future. With regard to Gudmundur Eggertsson, he is a very nice fellow and intelligent, but I would not put him by any means in the top class. He is extremely diffident and needs a good deal of direction in his work. Nora is now home again, and is improving very rapidly indeed. Best wishes to you both, Yours \ "