CZECHOSLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NA CVICISTI 2 - PRAHA 6 Czechoslovakia Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alt o,California Merch 18, 1961 Dear Doctor Lederberg 3: Thank you very much for the answer to our letter anc for the suggestion concerning Dr. Nossal to whom the invitation has been also extended. Since we would like rather the theore- tical aspects of the problems of immunological tolerance to be discussed, I need not tell you that your personal participation would mean an excellent contribution to the program of the con- ference. I do hope very much indeed that it will be possible for you to include the conference into your plans for this autumn. Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you in Czecho- slovakia next November, I am with best regards, Yours sincerely, Milen Hasek