why. ff My v y ‘ : AACC CLAY AND WEBSTER STREETS »* SAN FRANCISCO 15, CALIFORNIA * WEstT 1-8000 PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER December 12, 1963. Professor Joshua Lederberg, 716 Alvarado Row, Stanford, California. Dear Professor Lederberg: Would you have a few minutes time to read the enclosed article on "The Biologic Significance of Structural Fatigue" and give me your candid opinion as to whether it is worthwhile publishing in some Journal of Biology? If so, what journal would you suggest? Min} 94] -7 My grateful thanks in advance. Very sincerely yours, Emile Holman, M.D. EH-eh Der Qh, Hebron — Th Ain Ae nw AG, [22 AA Une avis é Mic jen he . UN Thine eens om mot inv erer Myre. yt of Keroro 5 ‘ WX oles oan tres] [rowers AA ne Souemtist “Chpoun). ° A Bencuzeed AEA An (afison Taro afr i Ce AQ ~