PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER CLAY AND WEBSTER STREETS SAN FRANCISCO 15, CALIFORNIA December 1, 1960 Professor Joshua Lederberg, Stanford University School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Palo Alto, California. Dear Professor Lederberg: Recently Dr. Shumway suggested that you might be interested in our early studies in isoskingrafting. An important observation described but not stressed in the reprint is the fate of my own two sets of donor grafts (E.H. page 11). The first set applied April 3 took perfectly and spread normally. A second set applied April 25 at a time when the first set was still in blooming condition (though about to be- gin to disappear on May 2) floated off in a sea of wound fluid—obviously already quite distasteful to the host. A second set of srafts from another donor applied on April 2 took but they, too, began to disappear about May 2. Meanwhile, e third donor supplied a set of grafts on April 1@ which took and continued to tarive until May 14 even though the grefts from the first and second donors had begun to disapoesr on May 2, indica— ting a highly specific reaction of the donee to each set of donor grafts (anticipating Medawar by many years!) The second reprint is sent as I thought you would be amused by Dr. Halsted's allusion in 1914 (page 8) to what is happening in the outer space-world about to be invaded by our astronauts! With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, ech, Mek Emile Holman, M.D. EH—eh