Ookober 12, 1956 Dr. P. Mitehell Dept. Zoology University of Edinburgh Scotland Dear Dr. Mitchell: Thak you for your note and letter of the 5th, I realize that my "finiings" as recorded in the note you saw have been almost if not entirely enticipated by other workers, though haps not all the details fitted so coherently as they did in the E. coli/penieillin/sucrose trials. This may be partly due to the greater fregility of the protoplaste in E. coli: thay can be prapared in fair yield ( 1-10%) from Proteus even in dilute mdia. I have hoped to rectify any possible impression of uniqueness, and also to clarify the implicit hypothesis of penicillin action, by the accom panying "pos teeript'. Your interesting note offered certain obscurities to my own reading, perhaps because I am not as familiar as I should be with your previously published work. (I would appreciate receiving whatever reprints you can spare on this count!) The mlonate-arabinose combination is such a weird mixture it surely was not devised ad hoc, but I don't understand what the specific functions of the com ponents are intended to be. I also am not olear as to your meaning for "autolysis" which connotes, to ma, the dissolution of tlesue or cellular structure after death. Dr. Park tellea ma he has reached identical conclusions as to the mechanism of penicillin action and the role of the accumlated Uridine-diphosphate conju- gates from his chemical studies. Doubtless the min reason these issues were not appreciated sooner was the aura of mysticiem that has surrounded the studies of "L-forms"; I am sure you will sympathise with my task of reading and reinterpreting that literature! We hawe however succeeding in the further propagation of EB. coli protoplasts as L-form colonies in penicillin-containing agar (not broth!) and this opens the door to what I hope will be more exact studies of the genetic and physiological significance of these mysterious elements. Unfortunately, our experiments with mixtures of marked strains ao far do not encourage the hope for new genetically interesting developments with the L forms. The mechanism of prolifera$ion of L-forms is another issue? at least one process superficially resembling budding (from a small perhaps granular protuberance) has been obseryfed; so far segmentation of a “large body’ has not been, in my omn mterfal. Yours sineerely, P.S. Dr. Zinder has a note in preas accompan mine - in the PNAS, on lysozyme effects on E, coli, rae will ‘Joshua Lederberg be ste his separa the d Professor of Genetic canta” fraguity rom the subsequent sphering of we venennee 4 i