Ie Ar Universrry or MINNESOTA | lis Tux Mapicat Scnoor Minweareotz 16 274 Lyon Laboratory PEPsATMEWT OF PU YSteLeeT SivIS0ON OF CANCER BEOLEGT “March 26, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconeia Madison, Wisconsim Dear Dr, Lederberg, I have recently become interested in the *petite™ of B.coli B that Weed has induced with copper some time ago (7 ect 67, ey, AGhL At first I could not duplicate Weed's results, in epite of the fact that I follewed the instructions given in his paper exactly, In tis moantine | fonnd, however, that by raising the copper concentration fro 9 to 15 x10’ MI get ca. 60% littles, and I an trying higher concentrations at the soment in order to eet 100 $, The littles I se: ..- At any rate, I had been locking for Weed's present address al! over, without suecess, Dr. Weed must have heard about it, becaues yesterday he wrote to me from Jangor, Maine, He suggested that @ I get in touch with you, as you had a graduate student and a fellow continue his work, Did any publications come out of this? If s>, I would appreciate it very much if you would let me have then, Also, if you have any unpublished material or information you could let me have I would de most grateful to you. Did you do any work on the anagymatic basis of this mutant? Do you have any hypotheses «s to the mechanism of the mutation? YY Thanks a lot for your help! Sincerely, Herbert Hirsch | Mrs Aleck, burseBivi shoedunk. ct - moh , Comamurmueeli. dish, matte el Like nc, haben Bilge Md, onc, se 1. Me Cnty water Cre ier than A apn Ar ndeceoey wore The eke. . 3, Sealer Claes Aoki 0 bia Mental B:Wbyavp3 0 vr