. STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS DAvenport 1-1200 : a Exe, Prof. J. Lederberg, Director February 19, 1965 xt. 5052 Dr. Donald W. Grace Procter & Gamble Co. Ivorydale Technical Center Cincinnati 17, Ohio Dear Dr. Grace: I am very sorry to have learned about your work on polyhedra only after you left. Surprisingly enough, it has a distinct bearing on chemistry, as I can perhaps best explain by referring immediately to the enclosures. Especially as regards the note on Hamilton circuits, the extension to larger grapns is of greater academic than practical concern. However ,having once gotten started in this direction, I find it rather irritating not to have a deeper insight than I do into the enumeration of these graphs generally. I am looking forward to Professor Polya's return as a vrobable help. (He chose the wrong year to go away or I nto work on such problems.) I wanted to ask you whether you might be interested to continue your analysis on some of these problems. For example, the exploration of the Hamilton circuits in the range nj4- nig (i.e. n vertices) might. recheck the isomorphisms. Thus, one might use the face-dissection program to generate only non-trigonal forms, viz., by avoiding adjacent edges, and-using-oniy-non-trigenat-parents (I have to strike that out since a trigonal parent can generate a non-trigonal offsoring:: needless to say, since one starts with the tetrahedron). Trigonal forms are probably most efficiently generated as combinations of the ways that the vertices of the lower order graphs can be marked for expansion into triangles. This can also be turned into a test for isomorphism (via the Hamilton circuit of the reduced figure, marked). As you will see, all the polyhedra in your main list (up ton 8) do have Hamilton circuits provided the equisurroundness criterion holds through Ny G° another proposal might be check Tait's conjecture through Nog by using your program through one more step, but saving only non-trigonal forms. This would entail using the non-trigonal ny7g's and avoiding adjacent edses there; and also the mono-trigonal nig's in just the fashion to enlarge the triangle. To go ton may sé difficult but not impossible, as one would have to build all the mono- trigonal nog's as well as the foregoing. But this can be done merely by marking one vertex all possible ways on the nontrigonal nig's. This is rather tiresome to have to deal with by letter. George Forsythe thought it might be reasonable to ask you whether you had any interest in returning briefly to Stanford at some convenient time that we might discuss these oroblems and perhaps consider: some further runs. “canwhile, I wonder if you can svare another. copy of your thesis, which is in short supply here; also the reoroduction of the listings-is not all it could be. If you shoula happen to have card-deck or tave storage of your output tables, it micat be sspecially heloful. Sincerely, YD det ok LT. J.P. KENNEDY, JR., LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RES ii IN MENTAL RETARDATION| —=—* MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY * DEVELOPMENTAL/MEDICINE