UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The School of Medicine DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY ls # May 1, 1963 xy a oor oH x oe - Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California ot Dear Josh: | just saw Makela's paper in the current "Genetics" and before writing to her | thought | should contact you first about the availability of her abony HFR strains. | have been trying to map our ade mutants of typhimurium using Zinder's HFR. Preliminary data have been obtained but mapping with other points of origin should be done. If the abony HFR's can transfer to typhimurium F~ then | would like to get some with different origins and directions. 5409 | was also interested in your earlier report concerning F 3 in Salmonella. This carries our ade-E gene but | have had problems with stability. | would like to try your Fy3 (stable: (stable) variant and any strain carrying same would be useful. Sol Goodgal and | are running the bacterial genetics course at Cold Spring Harbor this summer. This course includes a seminar series with guest lecturers. If by chance you will be in this area during the period June 24 to July 13 we would like very much to have you give a talk to the group. Please let me know if it is possible. Sjncerely, JSG/djb