MCMASTER UNIVERSITY HAMILTON, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY January 7, 1952. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U. S.A. Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your letter of Dee, 28 regarding our paper on terramycin, The references you call to our attention are pertinent and your interest is appreciated, In answer to your question, I may state that we have no reliable ana satisfactory evidence yet of the alteration or elimination of the micro- symbionts in treated weevils. While the presence of the microorganisms usually may be established by microscopic examination, it is very difficult to confirm their absence. A reliable method for culturing the microsymbionts would be of great value and we are making efforts in that direction, we are also expanding the antibiotic phase of the work by testing a variety of antibiotics against the weevils. Sincerely yours, 1 Wen JJM:ek J.J. Miller, Associate Professor of Botany.