UNSCAR, Room 3464 UNITED NATIONS @ NATIONS UNIES NEW YORK vee CABLE ADDRESS * UNATIONS NEWYORK: ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE FILE NO: llth September, 1961. Dear Dr. Joshua, You will doubtless be surprised tbr ece f¥°e a communication from one whose existence you have probebly forgotten! sertouciy thedgh, I was just joking. I have been in New York for the past two weeks battling with the verious sub-groups of the U.N. Selentific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. The current session ig due to end on 15th September and I have been toying with the idea of coming to the West Coast efter visiting Brookhaven end a few other places eround here, I am just wondering if you would be at Stenford between the 23rd and 26th of this month. I am likely to be in San Francisco during these days and would neturally like to take the opportunity of paying a visit to your place. Please let me know your programe. With warmest regerds to you and Esther, Yours as ever, Ayah (A, R. GOPAL AYENGAR) Piss Be Min may wih be As anngd { “oe be reply ly veaeh ne hele is a OF We ans nfl, \e Alx Minin nds Dr. Joshua Lederberg, MnwAba ls Aw ob Crnvcd : Department of Genetics, Medical School, Stanford University, Cle Hys ‘Po. Ama Bla A jeuv Palo Alto Californie. S45 Las Polar Road Pasadena, Calefarme, ( J expect Ie Aceh Ponodenn Loo 2o hk )