RESEARCH CENTRE . haa ’ in association with TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL +. | mus, wD Parel, Bombay, 12 Tel.: 62703. BD(8)3-1 October 26, 1957 Dear Joshua, I trust you have received my previous letters telling you of the arrangements made here in connection with your forthcoming visit to India. As indicated therein, the Department of Atomic Energy have eaxen @ necessary steps to send you the formal invitation through the Indian Commission in Australia. A copy of the same invitation is also being sent to your Madison address through the Indian Embassy in Washington. Will you please let me know your tour programme so that I can make the necessary hotel reservations here? I shall also appre- ciate your sending me the titles of your lectures. sf honorarium payable to you and Esther on a pro-rata basis of 8%.2000/— p.m. and Rs.1500/- p.m. respectively and would be quite adequate during your stay in this country. In addition you will be entitled to actual travel fares (air or airconditioned train) for journeys in India undertaken on behalf of the Atomic Energy Establishment. If you are experiencing diffi- culties in this connection please let me know and I shall try to smooth out matters with the Department of Atomic Energy. As I have already mentioned to you in my earlier letters the ifs 6 looking forward to the pleasure of your visit to Bombay and hoping that you can spend as long a time as possible here, With best wishes to you both, Yours sincerely, A. R. GopaleAyengar Dr J. Lederberg, C/o. Prof. Rubbo, Department of Bacteriology, Melbourne University, Carlton 3. Vic. Australia. ARG-As>. 3 ‘0.10