RESEARCH CENTRE in-association- with- a FATA MEMORIA HOS PTE AL Biology Division, Parel, Bombay, [2 Atomic Energy Establishment Tel.: 62703 (Goverment of India) BD/ttisc/3/_ 224° December 29,1956. aA1ow Isotsolotyo oft ai woH:.2.0 Prof.Joshua Lederberg, esaw il Tuntseerzo1q tloo.d mo Dept of Genetics, droda ais0y gitiese ai betasistnt University of Wisconsin, ni anitisq Isustnoo” no ston Madison, Wis. , Sf0f AOA-TOAS IT. Sotsatoss.& ai “tloo.d U.S.A. Dear Josh: The grape-vine brings me the news that you and Esther are likely to be going to be "way-down-under" next summer. Is that true? If so, can't you spend some time in Bombay either on your way to or, from Australia? Please let me know if you can manage to include India in your itinerary and if so how long - We have now a standard arrangement for inviting distinguished professors to participate in our activities. The chores are not too exacting. You can if you like carry out a piece of investigation during your stay. If not, give a few lectures, seminars, advise us on our work or what have you? Your expenses during your stay here will be met and it may be possible to meet some travel expenses inside the country. We had Prof.Brachet from Brussells under this arrangement. When Martin Kamen was on his way to Australia, I tried to persuade him to stop over for a month or two or longer. Unfortunately he couldn't do more than.a couple of weeks as he hed his plans more less cut and dried. I am afraid I moved in the matter rather late, May I therefore request you to consider the possibilities of your making an extended stay’ *n this country. After knowing your reactions, I shall take up the question of extending you a formal invitation through the higher echelons of the .Atomic Energy Establishment here. But first I need to know the probablg dates of your visit and the duration of your stay. I have been in the U.5., twice within this year - the first time was in April and the second during October, On both occasions I was in New York, in connection with the meetings of the U.N. Scientific Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation - a 15 Nation committee, Unfortunately, I was not anywhere in the vicinity of Madison, otherwise I would have let you known, Next time I am in the States I shall certainly pay a visit to Madison, In the meanwhile, please let me know your plans and reactions to my suggestion. Wishing you both the very best during the coming year and with warmest regards, Yours sincerely, P.T.O. JATMVAD HODAAIIA AADUAD UAIOUI ~ epet” th thin: roiisisesss—ai a PATHE OH -