P., 0. 30x # 201, Las Vegas, New Fextco. Oct. 11, 1960. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Stanford U. Medical »chool, Palo Alto, California. Dear Dr. Lederberg, Fhis will acknowledge with tiinks te reprint of your Nohel Prize lecture which you were kind enoug> to send me. i appreciate your courtesy. I must say that I was highly flattered by vour remarks about my hook. Of course comnlimentary rem orks about ones writing ore always gratifuing, butpren toe remark comes from aman in your position tt surely thrills to the core. J will treasure your note. In vassing, let me sav that I am very proud of the fact thut in the last two years two products of the New York City high schools have reached Nobel Prize stature in the field of genetics- you and Arthur Kornberg. The latter is a graduate of Abraham Lincoln H.S., the school at which I am chatrman. Of course he was gradusted before I got there, so I never got to meet him. But I am holding out hig” hopes for some of my other students of my dcys at The Bronx H. S. of Science. “3 f hank you again for your courtesy and for y jour YW L a kind comments. ith everu best wish, I an, Sincerely veurs, Philto Goldstein