Oatober 15, 1958 Dr, Avran Goldstein Department of Pharnacology Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Avram: At my own invitation, the NIH study section on genetics has decided to meat at Stanford for ite next meeting Sat-Sun January 24-25, 1959. I will be sure to be on campus a couple of daya in advenoe, but there are a few items of advance arrangements that I would Mike to ask you (or Dean Alway's office) to lock after, and for whieh I would be very grateful, Ae it happens, Kay Wilson, the Exec, Secy, for geneties will be in San Francisco noxt week (Oot 22623, I think) and I suggest this would be a useful eccasion for some of these arrangements, She and her office will take care of a1) the detail work, e,¢,, hotel rooms, but there are a few items you sould help advise her on, Se I have suggested that she call at the dean's office for a measage, but eould I ask you te leave word with her at the Sheraton in SFO juat in case, The main'problem' would be a meeting roam, preferably on campus that ean accompdate up to 20 people with convenience and privacy for the two days, I am sure there must be more than a few posaibllities, It would be congenial if we sould set up a coffee urn(a) to help keep us goings we custemarily chip in for the expenses. Then we should have a clear idea of where we can lunch, preferably but not necessarily on campus, If we oan round up 3 or 4 cara, we could go any- where, I imagine there will be a good occasion for socializing, I will get in touch with you later with respect to a possible ‘conducted tour! of some of the labe, involved in genetical work already, and I will be seeing Henry Kaplan next Monday in St, Louis, The other question has to do with the symposium Kalman 1s organizing, I am waiting to hear from him whether he has been able to revise the date ao as to mitch this session, as I imagine the study section might be quite interested, and some of ite members (in addition to myself) micht be considered as possible speakers on the program, Prom the S/8 point of view, Jan, 26 might be preferable, and the 23d @ second sholce, if such a revision is pefeible at all. Thia is another matter that Dr, Wilson might like to have a chance to discuss, in this cage direotily with Dr, Kalman, I am sure all this is a bether to you, but not too rreat and I hope more than matehed by my appreciation, As you might imagine, I am rather pleased to have a chance, even a possibly premature one, to show Stanford off to my friends and ecolleasfues, Yours sincerely, GC; Dr K S Wilson, Sheraton Hotel, Sf, Joshua Lederberg