December 13, 1964 Dr. Avram Goldstein Department of Pharmacology Harvard Medical School Boston 15, Mass. Dear Avram: Thank you for your invitation to the panel dissussion at the Pharmacology Society. Much as I would like to visit San Francisco again, howewr, I was not plaming to attend the Feder&tion meetings, and could not conveniently arrange to do so now. I appreciate your interest inngenetic traneduction, and wish I could sug- gest an alternative speaker. However, I am not sure what you have in mind as the connection between this topic and the biochemical basis of acquired(?) resis tance. May I ask a question that perhaps implies a suggestion? Is anything known of the basis of acquired resistance to drugs as seen in mammals? I would like to learn more about the entire topic, but have been frustrated by my inability to find any substantial literature to back up the textbooks! generalizations about it, 1.e., the statement that tolerance may develop to any of a number of drugs. I rebliza that the problem with opiates and barbitugates is as ob- scure as it is pressing. Do you know of any work on tolerance to any other agent that offers any hint of the mechaniams that may be operating? (Cf. Mohanty, Nature 7/24/54). Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics