B°9WITS IBV NH'O17IAIINA THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY mMardinird apdonan May 27, 1960 Prof. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Medical Center, Palo Alto, California, U. S.A. Dear Professor Lederberg, Some time has passed since I received your kind letter of March 22. Although you disagreed with my stand, I appreciated the constructive and encouraging spirit of your letter. You may have learnt meanwhile, that the situation has changed since the German geneticists themselves have returned the mandate to the International Committee. This decision was due to the rift between the East and West, and unconnected with our petition, It is kind of you to suggest that we might, one day, invite the Congress to Israel. I have no doubt that our government would favor such a plan. Personally I am hoping that by that time our small genetics group will have received considerable reinforcement to make us both worthier and more efficient for such a task, Yours Sincerely, Olah Ged deo Hlisabeth Goldschmidt