O°9M17'2 M1307 Ao'073"'1INA THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY wa5 wi aponon March 9, 1960 Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, U. S. A. I take the liberty to inform you of a correspondence that has been going between Professor Boyes, President of the Permanent International Committee for Genetics Congresses, Professor Lerner, U.S. delegate to this Committee on behalf of the Genetics society of America and The American Society of Human Genetics, and myself, I understand that a number of American geneticists including Professors Dunn, Landauer and Mirsky have applied to Professor Lerner protesting against the choice of Germany as a@ meeting vlace for the next International Contress of Genetics. Any reaction to this discussion on your vart or that of your colleagues should be made known to Professors Bovés and Lerner, Yours sincerely, Qa whty Ghd betel. Elisabeth Goldschmiat 4 Enclosures.