mowers msapn np sian See THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY, JERUSALEM DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY masdoan> mponon Professor J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., U. S.A. Dear Frofessor Lederberg, This week I received a letter from my former student David Yoffe informing me that there is a chance for him to ke accepted as a guest worker in your Department. I should be very happy for his sake, if this project would materialize. [I am also convinced that he would avail himself weil of this opportunity offered to him and that you would be satisfied with his work. , in his undergraduate study in our Department on the biochemical basis of the silver nitrate phenocopy in Drosophila Mr. Yoffe showed definite promise as a research worker. He is very imaginative and, at the same time critical and perse- vering. He has a good foundation in Zoology, Biochemistry and Genetics. I think that Frofessor Rerenblum and Dr. ¥®eldman of the Weizmann Institute will be able to revert on the scientific progress he has made since he left us. Mr. Yoffe has a quiet modest and cheerful personality and is very well liked by his colleagues. It is a coincidence that Wr. Yoffe's request for a letter of recommendation reached me at a time wnen T intended to write to you about an entirely different matter. The University recently invited us to make epplications for visiting professors from the U.S. ona "Short Fulbright" fellowship. Notice was so short that there was no possibility to ask your permission in advance, ‘Ye therefore ventured to put down your name without your formal consent. I am afraid that the whole mowia moapn myosin THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY, JERUSALEM DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY mardyey® aponon - 2 .- 3h) 4. project is still rather vague, because we do not know which of the various Departments will be given priority by the University authorities and by Fulbright. However there is dust a possibility that you might be contacted by Fulbright and it had better not come as a surprise. There is no need to stress, how happy we should be if you could spare the time to come to this country and to give a course of lectures on genetic microbiology. It is the field which is not yet represented properly in our genetics teaching, in spite of the fact that our interest comes to centre on it more and more. We also feel that your presence here might stimulate genetic research in every respect. In conelusion I should like to thank you very much for the reprints you kindly sent me recently. LCi bachndt Yours sincerely, Lar sanvudas mts Nh Usher Gelb, beeiet ve Goldschmidt