NOV 8 1963 ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES SOCIETES DE MICROBIOLOGIE @ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES President : Dr. A. Lwoff (Paris) Past President : Prof. S. Mudd (Philadelphia) NOV 8 i359 Vice President : Dr. C.-G. Hedén (Stockholm) Member at Large : Prof. V. D. Timakoy (Moscow) Secretary General Treasurer Dr. N. E. GIBBONS Prof. M. EL i ro WELSCH (Liége) Division of Applied Biology National Research Council File No: 3-3-I-50-8 Ottawa 2, Canada 28 October, 1963 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Medical Center, 300 Pasteur Drive, PALO ALTO, California, U.S.A. TW Dear Dr. Lederberg: Many thanks for your letter of October 15, 1963 and the reprints. Knowing of your interest in space research I thought you had probably been in touch with COSPAR. In any case I will pass on your comments and also distribute the paper to those who make enquiries. There have been six requests for the data sheets but it is difficult to know how many of these are from curiosity and how many are really interested. So far there have been no comments. SHUO4G)-) I realize that several at Camp Detrick have been interested in the sterilization of space craft but these, like yourself, have had an opportunity of presenting their views to COSPAR. Are there any others in the U.S.A. who are not in this position and who might be able to give a considered opinion? For your information, a copy of Dr. Kellogg's data sheets is enclosed. Sincerely, VA N. E. Gibbons NEG /mw ENCLOSURE.