October 15, 1963 Or. N. &. Gibbons Division of Applied Blology Nationa} Research Counc! 1! Ottawa 2, Canada Bear Or. Gibbons: Thank you for your communication of September 26 relative to the action of the IAMS soliciting appraisals of the problem of planetary contemination. You are probably already well acquainted with my ow position on this subject and | have not lacked for an opportunity to make It know to COSPAR and to national agencies involved In spece research. There ere Just two points that 1 would like to stress In the general picture: 1) Astronomical determinations of the parameters of the Mars surfece ere subject to a large uncertalaty, unknown In direction end quantity. We should | be cautious about relying on assertions as to the best estimates of tempera- ture, water concentration, and other parsaeters which are likely to suffer considerable local variation. The only way ! have been able to assimilate all of the considerations fs to establish sase number as representing the equiv- alent damages of unwonted contamination and then to aultiply this cost by a series of factors representing our best estimates of the probabliity of an undesired result. For example, if one were to conclude that there wes a residual likelihood of the order of .01 thet Mars had resources of water readily avaliable to orgeniems, then this consideration would possibly lead to # reduction of the ‘equivalent cost'' (expected value) by the same factor, .O1, provided this was # necessary condition for the Habllity of damages by contamination. The sane sort of factors must be considered In assessing the ltkel thood of failure of sterilization, the Ifkellheod that an organism would survive Impact, that given other factors It would be able to proliferate, etc. Our course of action would then be besed on a prudent and to some extent cal« culable balance between our assessment of the values at risk, on the one hand, and the possibilities of prejudicing these values on the other. 2) It has usually been taken for granted that the disturbance of existing life was the main ''value’ which wes at risk In planetary contamInation. while | would certinly plece a very high priority on this consideration, It should not obscure others. For example, even if Mars were now sterile, but were habitable by terrestrial microorganisms, | submit we should still be extremely ceutlous In ofr exploration. The Introduction of terrestrial life to such a habitat would be bound to lead to wery large perturbations of planetary chemistry, of a character which Is unpredictable beth In itself and with respect to the presently unforeseeable ut! lization of planetary resources that future technology may bring about. If we bring terrestrial lffe to Mars Su9qq 1-3) Br. N. E. Gibbons October 15, 1963 Page 2 and It can survive there, | believe it should be a matter of deliberate forethought as to the projected consequences rather than an Inadvertence arising out of our momentary Impatience. 1 am not sure precisely which documents Dr. Kellogg has furnished, slhtough | as feniller with many of his writings and have great respect for his authoritative position In this field. i would urge you to bring to the attention of your coreespondents the considerations which are sumerized In the enclosed note. {f these coples are not sufficient | will be happy to furnish more of thea. Sincerely yours, Joshue Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enciesure: % coples of Lederberg, J. and C. Sagan, 1962. Microenvironments for life on Mars. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 48: 1473675.