‘ y\ps The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine 5 ; Chairman of the Governing Body : CHELSEA BRIDGE RO AD, tR HENRY H. DALE, O.M., G.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.F., F.R.S. Hon. Treasurer : LONDON, S.W.1. Sir HuGH BEAVER, K.B.E. Director : Telegrams : "Bacteriology, Knights. London” PROFESSOR A. A. MILES, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P. Telephone : SLOane 2181 4st August : 1964 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto California : U.S.A Dear Professor Lederberg Working on T,? mutants of E.coli K-12, I observed a pheno- menon similar to the one you described in 1949 with V,°,type resistant to Ty and sensitive to T5. My studies, begun with Fredericq, have revealed that the mutation affecting the strains used is probably a deletion extending, or not, to the tryptophan locus. I suspect that the "Het" factor corres- ponds to an abnormal chromosomal organisation, the effect of which during pairing, is to delay segregation. Bem V g 7 ™M 1G Dr. Stocker has suggested that I ask you for the strain ¥~ which gave you H-1, so that I could make more suitable comparisons between your results and mine. I should be very grateful if you could send me this strain, and others which you think would help me in further studies, also for any advice or suggestions you could give me on this subject. Yours sincerely r ¥ - 4 We Ae Bot repels © you B76, bape To PA mar Dre