W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY | 660 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIFORNIA + TELEPHONE: YUKON 6-°5115 March 26, 1964 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics, School of Medicine MAR 27 iC4 Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I bring you good news. As you know, for the last three years we have been publishing as offprints from Scientific American selected articles in several fields of science. This joint venture has been so successful, and the relationship has been so productive and harmonious that we and our associates at Scientific American have decided to collaborate even more closely in other enterprises, We agreed that our aims could be achieved best by merging the two companies, and that has been done. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific American, Ine., we shall continue to publish at our present location under the name of W. H. Freeman and Company; with the present staff, including officers; and with independence to follow our own well-established publishing policies. Now united are the forces of two successful, non-competitive publishers who have outstanding reputations for high standards and excellence in science publishing. Each is making distinctive contributions to the new alli- ance. I mention, for example, the significant new source of authors for Freeman books that is now available to us. We look toward a bright and exciting future for both companies, I believe that you will, too. Yours sincerely, Gra Stanley Schaefer President ss:rja } PUBLISHERS