April 7, 195h Dr, Gardner Middlebrook Research jjirector Nat'l Jewish Hospital at Denver 3300 East Colfax Avenue Denver 6, Colorado Dear Br, Mid@lebrook: I was delirhted to receive your letter of April 1. Of course if I should have any opportunity to visit Denver, I will not neglect the chance of visiti:r you and your laboretory, In general, our summer trips have tended to alternate east and west, and this year's direction will be Woods Hole, J have been very much interested in the findings that have been presented by yourself and by Mitchison on the ecology of drug resistance in tuberculosis, If there were any specific wey in which I could be of any assistance I wonld be ple sed tc hasten to do 806 Mey I take this occasion for an appeal to you for your earlicr papers on variation in tuberculosis? I must admit that my interest in this tople is not yet matched by the backreround of my information A recent visitor in our laboratory was Professor &, Rubbo from Melbourne who will possibly be coming out your way within the next several weeks, I hope he will have noted your address, but if not he may be getting touch with Puck, In any event T hope that he does have a chance to meet you as he has been workire himself in related problems of chemotherapy of tuberculosis, Yours sincerely, Josma Lederberg, ssociate Professor of Cenctics