February 18, 1958 Dr. P. Fredericq Institut de Hacteriologie Universite de Liege 1, Rue de Bonnes Villas tp Liege, Belgium wer Dear Profesaor Fredericq: jf | Thank you very auch for the phage kins » which has met our expectations ag a useful tool. Our work is going very smoothly now, and I have succeeded in transfering colicin E to a number of other stocks for the main experiments to be done soon. My dmapression is that the colicin is transferred somewhat less readily, in quantity concerned, than is the 3 factor. A closer examination is needed, I feel that i should tell you that the culture TR-27 is nixed. It contains both a Gal* 3° and a dal” 3% comppnent. I think the sam accounts for my previous report on it, in which there were more ef the S® cells. May I burden you with onze more request? I have already looked at a few Seluonellu strains w find one which nould produce a solicin active against E. coli. So far this search has failed, I am agticipating some future experiments where I may be interested to st@dy the transfer of colicin between Salmonella ant E. coli, Since you will be out of your laboratory later this year, could I ask you for such a culture now? + I am looking forward to seeing you later this spring. Yours sipcere}y ’ Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/ew P,.S, I have meent to ask you one other question for some wots, In several papers you mention your technique of testing for colicin production by (1) seeding = plate with a colicin-producer (2) sterilizing this after growth by chlroform vaper and (3) adding «© uniform lawn of colicin sensitive bacteria. Oan you tell me in more detail just how you accomplish steps 2 and 3, especially f§ step 27 Is it in a vacuum deat-— cator or other chamber? How efficient is 1t7