Translation. Cory July 24, 1961. Dear Professor van de Hulst, We heard about the request of Professor Lederberg, Professor Florkin and other scientists to hold an unofficial conference in Moscow on questions concerning cosmical biology in August at the time of lthelInternationa} Biochemical Congress. The Academy of SCiences of the USSR is ready to assist such a conference of a few scientists-delegates of the biochemical Consresse Tne participants of the conference could conveniently exchange opinions touching the questions in the letters of Professor Lederberg and Professor Florkin. We agree with Professor Leder- berg that at present it is practically impossible to decide the composition of the participants of the conference as it is not known whether all the interested people, mentioned in the Letter of Professor Lederberg, go te the Eiochenical Congress in moscow. Only after all the delegates of ithe Biochemicai congres® will uave gathered in Khoscow, t:.c exact definite list of par- ticivants in the proposed conference can be had, with the felp a“ of the Urganiziag Committee of the congress. Yours sincerely, sed Nei. visak jan Professor Florin, cc: Professor Lederberg, v Professor Thompson, Dr. Porter